Doing all the right things: meetings, reading literature, calling and emailing my sponsor, eating right and now this. God help me! I can’t believe that I think that I have come so far in the OA program. Seeing that candy display made it all clear. Sugar is my heroine and I needed to shoot up. Back to the store incident, I got out of line with my coffee and paced crazily looking for something sweet I could eat. I hurriedly went back to my table and didn’t give this much thought till the incident at the convenience store. Also, there was this big bad beautiful birthday cake, that screamed Happy Birthday BOB!!! I stood there in shock knowing that that wonderful cake would never enter my mouth and as soon as the singing ended. But Sunday, at the flea market, some dealer friends called me over to their table and all these people were there and they sang Happy Birthday. No peeps! No Mary Sue! Oh no, not again! Valentine’s day had just past and needless to say, no big red hearts came my way. Standing there in line, realizing, OH NO! not again! Another holiday and I can’t have any Easter candy. Maybe you know her, she comes around every Easter with the best peanut butter candy eggs you ever tasted. There she was in this big display, in all her glory! Her name is Mary Sue. We have been friends for over fifty years. As I stood in line and waited to pay for the coffee, I turned my head and saw a display that featured my old girl friend. As always, I went in to get a coffee to take with me. Yesterday afternoon, I had just finished running some errands and was stopping to get gas at a local convenience chain store. (2-18-10 OH MARY) Hi, My Name is Bob and I am a compulsive overeater. (Alternate last line a la 1950's schoolchildren: Now ain't that a son of a.) For now, I leave you with an old-school Mary Sue jingle, taught to me by my first husband, & sung to the tune of Gilbert & Sullivan's "I'm Called Little Buttercup": So am I a seasonal sellout? A hopeless chocoholic? Both? That's open to interpretation. Or, in my house, for getting eaten well before Easter, resulting in extra work at the gym & perhaps a few very light dinners to compensate for the chocolate calories. After all, these babies are notorious for selling out well before Easter. L lives on the west coast & is Mary Sue-deprived, so I'll be sending her a care package as soon as I can get my bejeweled little hands on a Triple Chocolate Meltdown or two (or three or.) I'll probably buy some for myself too, to save them. (I rarely indulge in sweets that don't involve dark chocolate.) The whole time, I was texting L about this, rhapsodizing about the incredible yumminess that is to be found in Mary Sue Easter Eggs. I do like the latter, but can live without the former. our daytime highs weren't going much above 30! Still, I couldn't resist going over to the shelf where the eggs were displayed to see if my favorite flavor, Triple Chocolate Meltdown, was there for the taking. That said, I was still appalled at first. Still, for this Midwestern expat who was once married to a Baltimore native, nothing says "spring" like Mary Sue.

I grew up eating Russell Stover Easter candy & have since expanded my palate by tasting many high-end chocolates, seasonal & otherwise, as the number of Maison du Chocolat charges on my credit card over the years will attest to. Mary Sue is a Baltimore-based candy company, in business since 1948, & they make the best chocolate Easter eggs in the world. Easter candy! I was doing a bit of grocery shopping & having a text-message conversation with my friend L last week when I noticed that the Pikesville Giant already had Mary Sue Easter eggs out for sale.
#Mary sue triple chocolate meltdown how to#
What's on everyone's mind in January? How to pay off holiday bills? The beach? Getting rid of extra holiday poundage to look good at the beach? No, according to the folks at Giant food, it's. Mary Sue Easter Eggs, originally uploaded by retrogemkitty7.