I really hope he makes a go of it because its a valuable resource for a homebrewer to have in a community. Providing high-quality beer and winemaking supplies since 1992.

Featuring amazing beer and delicious food Shop for home brewing supplies at the Pine Tree Plaza. industry since the 90s when it first opened its doors as The Home Brew Store. Grains & Taps Brewery has two taprooms in Lees Summit, MO. He isn't moving many wine kits, some beer kits, and he is now stocking malt and I don't know how fast that is moving but I buy 10lb every time I make it up there even if I don't really need it. North Tunnel Brewing & Supply is your one stop shop for all of your beer. I wanted to open a home brew supply store but Im thinking a beer store would get more business. it has to be cheaper than opening a brewery, I need a way to get started. Brewsers Homebrew Store, LLC, Scotia, New York. Combining a beer store and a homebrew shop is a great idea. I think he sells a lot of equipment kits, carboys and bottles. Great homebrew shop Its about time that someone opened a homebrew shop located for. has any one here looked into opening a craft beer store. He said that this is a nationwide thing, and I'm wondering if anyone has intel on why homebrew supply stores are in this predicament. He does this because he pays a flat rate for a pallet so he can order more often and what he does make helps defray shipping costs. Homebrew Supply Stores Closing Hey all, I'm in greater Boston and was at my local homebrew supply store yesterday where the guy told me that they're closing in a little over than a week. He has also set up a deal for a pallet order that lets our club members order stuff on sale when he's placing an order. He's steadily expanding his line and says his sales are decent even though he's finding out that the markup isn't as good as he's gotten on some of his other business endeavors.
Once I met him I tried to steer him to stuff I thought would sell. So the wholesalers restricted sales to shops and pro breweries. He basically set up an account with LD Carlson and started ordering stuff monthly. A guy in the next town over just started one in his wife's curio shop last fall.